“I don’t mind what happens.”

“I don’t mind what happens.”

Do you mind what happens?

If you don’t think so, perhaps ask yourself in a different way.

Do I get triggered, upset, angry, resentful, disappointed, anxious, worried, stressed, peeved, depressed, etc?

If the answer is no to ALL the above, then I’d say you pretty much don’t mind what happens, and your life is probably looking pretty fantastic! Congrats!

But if you do mind, if you do get upset or triggered or have feelings like those described above, then it’s a great sign that there is INNER work to be done.


Because it’s the reason we’re all here on earth. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, the purpose of which is to experience feelings in the way only humans can, and then to resolve them while in human form.

Some go their entire lives without resolution. Others don’t resolve them until minutes before they’re dead. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

What if I told you that you could resolve them now… so that for the next half (or more) of your life you could lead it as INCREDIBLE, BLISSFUL, FUN, HAPPY, PURPOSE-DRIVEN, and MEANINGFUL?

Would you be willing to make the investment and do what it takes to have that happen?

Those are the people I’m looking to take on as coaching clients.

🤔 🤩 👊 If that’s you… DM me… I’d love to talk to you about it!
#managinganxiety #stateofpositivity #findjoyeveryday #anxietysufferer #findjoyinthelittlethings #livinglifehappy #changeyourperception #bringthejoy #roadtohappiness #yourlifeyourway #believeinyourselfalways #bebravebeyou #couragetochange #howtobehappy #becomeabetteryou #joyoflife #youhavethepower #takecontrolofyourlife #itstartswithyou #bethebestversionofyourself #bestversionofme #trustyourjourney #iamstrong #faceyourfears #createyourreality #dontbeafraid #ownyourlife #youcandothis #healyourself #liveyourbestlife

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