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Time for a Change.
Coaching is a journey that exists through both conversation and action.
It usually beings at the point and time in your life that you see or experience something that:
- Isn’t working
- Is working, but could be better
- Has worked up until now to get you where you are now, but won’t get you where you want to go
- Is working for someone else, in their life... and you’ve experienced it such that you are touched, moved, or inspired, and compelled to take action toward having something similar in your life.
While change IS possible on your own, I invite you to consider a few things:
- Your view of your life, and hence your ability to change it, is based on your experience of the world. This has been formulated over all the years and decades of your life, and shaped by the choices you’ve made. If you could have done it any better up until now, you would have, right?
- All of the actions you’ve taken up until now have created a certain momentum in your life. You’re on a certain trajectory. And there is a very good chance that you’ll continue on that trajectory, unless you make a strong, conscious effort, serious commitment and investment in changing it.
- You can’t observe yourself living your life while you’re living it. While you might be able to tell something is off or not right, you can’t live it while also being the impartial observer, or know what’s needed to change it. It’s why professional athletes work with coaches, and why clients hire me.
- There is a massive difference between being interested and being committed. While you might see things around you that aren’t working so well, change won’t happen with a casual interest or awareness. That’s why New Year’s resolutions fail before the end of January each year.
- There are things that you’ve probably tried to change repeatedly in your life. You think to yourself each time that you should be able to change them. You’ve even committed to doing it… and yet, decades, disappointments, and dollars later, you’re still stuck with the same problem.
Do any of these resonate with you? If so, you may want to consider coaching.
Click the red button to the left that says “Get After It” to take the next step toward scheduling a meeting.

About Andy.
Andy Petranek is a professional life coach, specializing in relationships, career, and personal leadership. He's been helping people create greater levels of confidence, joy, fulfillment, and success in their lives for over 25 years.
- He hired his first life coach 26 years ago, in 1995, before life coaching was even "a thing". Since then he has been a student of self-discovery and exploration, working with coaches, coaching programs, and attending seminars, in a quest to understand life more deeply, heal himself more fully, and love himself and others more abundantly.
- In 2013, he graduated from the University of Santa Monica with a master's degree in spiritual psychology and continues to this day to journey deeper into the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms of consciousness and self-awareness.
- He co-founded the Whole Life Challenge, a global, online health and wellness game that has had over 200,000 people participate over its 9-year history.
- In 2004, he founded one of the first and most successful CrossFit affiliate gyms in the world, CrossFit Los Angeles
- Using the business systems and strategies he developed at CrossFit LA, he launched a gym-system consulting business and taught hundreds of other CrossFit Affiliate gym owners how to succeed.
- A Red Bull sponsored athlete in the sport of adventure racing, he captained teams and navigated courses all over the world in races like the Eco-Challenge and Raid Gauloises; in 2009 he became the oldest competitor to qualify for and compete in the CrossFit Games.
- A veteran of multiple overseas deployments including Operation Desert Storm, Andy is a former United States Marine who served for four years as a combat engineer and small unit commander.
For years, Andy’s been a trendsetter and influencer in the transformational coaching and health and fitness world. His infectious laugh, ability to bring joy to even the most difficult situations, his willingness to have hard conversations, and his capacity to help others find the courage to tackle their fears have made him a community magnet for the thousands of people who have been influenced directly through his coaching.
See what clients
are saying.

Finding Freedom
Before I tell you more about coaching with me, let me tell you what it isn't. It's not a pre-designed course, nor is it a program that I teach you. There is no set curriculum, process to undertake, or steps to follow. There is no pre-defined reading list, nor is there a set of assignments to follow or complete.
Your curriculum is your life. You bring that with you to every session we have together. Whatever area we're working on - relationships, family, career, job, health, mental/emotional state - my program is based on helping you unlock those areas in which you feel trapped, stuck, or anything less than free. You are an integral part of that process, you, as the leader of your own life.
We meet together for calls every other week for a couple of hours, and between these sessions you will be “doing the work”... living your life, increasing your awareness, implementing habits, doing applicable “homework” that will help you progress forward.
Our time together starts with a minimum commitment of 6 months, but most of my clients work with me far longer. Why so long? This work isn’t easy and it takes time to see the things you need to see, do the things you need to do, to have what you really want. There are no shortcuts.
And why hire me? Why do all this work when it takes time, effort, and investment?
Because coaching with me offers you the possibility of FREEDOM.
- Freedom from the limitations and beliefs that have you stuck where you are today.
- Freedom from the self-imposed prison created by measuring, competing, and judging self & others.
- Freedom from the fear, anxiety, worry, doubt, and frustration that comes from living in the future and past, rather than the present.
- Freedom to live in possibility, to experience knowing that you are enough exactly as you are.
- Freedom to have the life you’ve always wanted, always dreamed of, and to be the person you’ve always known that you could be!
If any of this resonates, click the red “Let’s Go” button below, and take the next step toward scheduling a meeting with me.

Like it or not, we’re all on a journey through life that is anything but linear. Often, its boundaries are defined by the accidents, mistakes, missteps, and wrong turns we make along the way. Though it’s not a journey we can opt out from, the choice we all get to make is,”How?”
For me, that answer has always been to experiment around the boundaries for each of the five realms (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial) - to play with, explore, test, question, and disrupt the status quo. To always be growing.
Life Coaching Story #1: Ocean kayaking… and showing up with the right equipment
Are you showing up with the right equipment for the job – physical yes, but also the “equipment” needed to lead a beautiful life… your mindset, heartset, and soulset? Do you have the right attitude for the job… for the outcome you truly desire? THAT’s the question you should be asking.
Read More"On The Path" Podcast Feed

Join host Andy Petranek for short lessons and conversations about life, learning, leadership, and loving.
You are exactly where you’re supposed to be (and so am I).
No matter where you are, there is no question that you are right where you’re supposed to be.
Now… it may not feel that way. It certainly didn’t for me for a very loooooong time.
Things swirled. I was riddled with fear, worry, panic, and anxiety… for almost an entire year.
And even after that year, I’d get regular “visits” from that uninvited guest.
But with regular, daily self-nurturing practices like meditation, journaling, exercise, affirmations, diet, gratitude, I’ve been able to pull myself (with spirit’s help, of course) into a place that is way beyond where I was before my “emotional meltdown” (aka spiritual awakening) occurred.
Another big piece for me was my willingness to lean on others – friends, community, family, even people I didn’t know that well. They helped me like structural scaffolding as I did the work to put things back together.
And as a result, now I’m able to say with full conviction, that I am, and have always been, right where I am supposed to be. And as hard as it might be to see, you are too.If you’re struggling, as I was, I suggest adopting a regular self-nurturing practice as well. As well as leaning on your friends and community. Perhaps even working with a therapist or a coach. Moving down this path is hard to do on your own, even perhaps impossible.
And don’t stop believing. If I can do it… I know you can too!