Let's Get

IT'S NEVER TOO LATE to have the life you’ve always dreamed of.

But many feel stuck… trapped in the reality of a life and the relationships in it, as well as a set of beliefs that have been decades in the making, that has us think and feel like there is no way out. We stop seeing the possibilities in life and relate to it more like a personal prison, leaving us no choice but to settle - accepting the lack of aliveness in our jobs and relationships as just as good as it gets.

I’m not immune to it… I too know what it’s like.

Stuck in a relationship...

  • that is painful, absent of joy, that feels antagonistic, with no connection or alignment, constant tension, sarcasm, snide remarks, and judgment.
  • in which time apart is better than time together,
  • that is bogged down in defensiveness, arguments, anger, and no intimacy
  • for which peace exists only when you’re home alone, or when you’re off in your own little world - sedating on binge-worthy tv shows and movies..
  • that feels hopeless, loveless, and only worth hanging onto for the kids - until they get off to college.

Stuck in a job...

  • that doesn’t bring joy, for which you feel under-appreciated, and under-utilized
  • that won’t lead to your financial freedom.
  • that has become boring, mundane, and ordinary.
  • In which you are not aligned with the values of your employees, coworkers, and/or your customers.
  • For which you must hide your true self and your likes, interests, and passions
  • For which your inner measure of success depends on external validation
  • that while not ideal, your fear of the risk and uncertainty of something new keeps you tied to it.
  • that constantly reminds you that you’re not good enough to do anything else, and even if you tried, you’d never measure up to others.

Stuck in a belief system...

  • that says your worthiness is solely based on your results and accomplishments
  • that fame and fortune are the only ways to measure “winning”,
  • that you are truly an imposter, and might be found out at any moment
  • that success only comes to the few (and I’m not a member of that club),
  • that you would never be _______(insert any adjective here) enough and would never measure up.
  • that has you stuck feeling like you’re not connected to your true purpose in life, not sure what it is, what you’re doing here, or why?

Any of these sound familiar?



Believe it or not, I didn’t make up the issues above - they are some of the things I’ve worked through personally in coaching. And my work now as a professional coach is to help you do the same.

  • To find your way out of your “stuckness”,
  • To help you create space where there is none,
  • To become a kinder, gentler, more loving version of yourself, without losing the parts of you that make you awesome
  • To loosen the knot that you’ve got yourself tied in
  • To find inner freedom, along with meaning, purpose, aliveness, and joy
  • To help you use your own innate wisdom and gifts to create the life you’ve always wanted… and then to lead it.

Sound too good to be true? IT'S NOT!

How do I know?

I’ve seen it happen in my own life as well as in the lives of the clients I’ve coached.

This work will help you become a better version of you - a “You 2.0”. It will allow you to reveal a part of you that you’ve known was always there inside, but just buried under layers of “life stuff” - just waiting to be uncovered. It will help you create true freedom.

If you’re ready to have a life that is aligned, connected to purpose, and live in freedom, outside of the confines that have held you back, then you’re ready to work with me.

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