Slowing down to speed up

Where are you going? Why are you in such a hurry? What’s the rush?

These are questions I started asking myself. I’m now over 50 and I’m seeing things a lot differently than I have in the past. The hurry-up, high-achiever mindset has served me well up until now, but it comes with costs.

This mindset uses me… seduces me into thinking that in order to win in life, I must keep accumulating more: awards and accolades, money, respect from others, praise, friendships, likes, views, clients, knowledge, degrees, agreement from others, “rightness”.

It has me think that the answers I seek, the fulfillment I want, all come from things that I will accumulate outside of me.

But when I slow down enough to see underneath all of this, I start to see that it’s all a setup. None of these things will ever satisfy the insatiable desire for more.

The fulfillment I want so badly to achieve… the answer for that lies right inside of me. It always has.

And I only get to that to see it and experience it by slowing down.

🤓 🤓 A great reminder: the strategies I’ve used up until now to get me where am, won’t help to get me where I truly want to go. (📣 HINT: They won’t for you, either.)
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