We’re so good at suffering, we don’t even realize we can choose NOT to!
Have you ever noticed your incredible ability to tolerate suffering?
We spend 30, 40, 50 years of our life developing mental and emotional habits that create life for us the way it is, the way we know it.
These habits are all about proving to ourselves (and others) that we are enough, we’re worthy, and we’re not imposters.
But here’s the catch… we never believe it! No matter hard we try, how well things might go in our life, we never do enough to prove to ourselves that we’re enough and worthy.
And so we suffer in self-judgment.
And… we’re all doing it, all the time… making it something we’re ALL really good at doing.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Once you see, think, feel, and believe that you are worthy of anything you want to be, that you always were enough, that you have nothing to prove… well… all of the suffering just melts away.
🌈 🤔 What is one area of your life where you KNOW you’re suffering inside (usually it’s in the area(s) of relationship, family, work/career, or personal happiness) that you know would make a difference were you able to let it go?
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