What’s Your Rush

I’ve been in a hurry all of my adult life.

I’ve lived most it thinking that:

– if it takes the ‘normal’ person 60 minutes to do something, I can do it in 30
– If I don’t follow up on that, chances are it won’t get done
– I need to jump on getting started because I want to be ahead of the game
– I need to hurry up and seal the deal because if I don’t, they might find out the truth and not stick around
– If I don’t hear back from someone relatively quickly, I should follow up with them
– I don’t trust the universe or God in having my back

These beliefs have lead to all sorts of inner strife and struggle, stress, worry, fear, doubt, anxiety.

And the amazing thing about it is that none of them are actually true… they were made up by ME!

By creating space, slowing down, leading with a trusting mindset, and remembering that God has my back (whether it looks like it or not), all of that inner strife disappears.

🤒🤧🤕 How do you create stress for yourself this way? Are you in a hurry too?
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